Friday, May 13, 2011


Jamie has been transferred to St Johnland in Kings Park. Everyone is grateful to hear of her continued recovery and glad to have her closer to home.


  1. Great news !!!! Love you so much Jamie.

  2. Great news! We will come visit soon.
    Lots of love,
    Nancy and Paul

  3. Dear Jamie,
    So glad to hear that you are closer to home. I am sure you are too! Keep up your hard work and your determination. From what I hear you are doing great. I do hope to see you see soon.

  4. Sooo happy to hear this!! Hope to see you soon!! Love you Emily!!

  5. Jamie - It's great to hear that you are closer to home and improving each day. It was nice to see Sammy this past weekend at Express scrimmage/practice and watch her charge through everyone. Not a day goes bye that we don't think of you. Stay strong. Nothing can beat you!!!! Love, The Viviano Family

  6. Hi Jamie,
    Both John and I felt so honored and joyful to have been able to share the Mother's Day picnic with you and the family @ Rusk...I have some great pictures of the day! We are back in LA and of course life is hectic, but the warmth of our last visit keeps me going until the next time. You are a dear, beloved friend to our family,and I look forward to sharing more hugs and laughs and smiles and yes, even tears, in the not too distant future. These are the essence of friendship! Sending so much love from the Egans

  7. So glad you are closer to home. Keep working.... it's just like the gym. You work and you see the results.... can't wait to see you!

  8. Hi, all, just wondering how Jamie did yesterday, wanted to stop by and visit at Stony Brook....awaiting any updates!
