Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Jamie had her  craniectomy repaired yesterday. That means no more helmet, hair can grow in and eventually back to the salon for cut and color, YES!!! The surgery went well and she is resting comfortably in the hospital. She will return to St Johnsland after her post op recovery at Stony Brook, to continue the hard work of rehabilitation. She is progressing well at St Johnsland and getting stronger everyday. Michael continues to be grateful for all the support and visitors.


  1. Jamie
    Still think of you everyday...stay well,get strong and hope to see you soon...
    Love, The Profit Family

  2. I saw Jamie yesterday, and she looks great. It will be good to have her back at St. Johnsland and out of the hospital. Keeping you in our prayers!

  3. Hi Jamie,
    So glad to hear that the progress continues! We all think of you always with so much love and hope and optimism. Looking forward to seeing you soon, I plan to come out for Michael's birthday (want to bake him a Mallorcan Almond Cake, the perfect summer treat). Can't wait to see you and hug you and join in your rehab in whatever way I can. Until then, much love from the Egans xoxox

  4. Jamie, So happy to learn you are doing well on your road to recovery Would love to stop by for visit if that would be OK. Think about you all the time. Miss you

  5. Jameron, good to hear you continue to progress! We love you and think of you often! Love from your favorite TWOZIE, Lisa and Ed

  6. Hi Jamie,Just a quick note to let you know you are in my thoughts and heart. I miss you so much, and often dream of spending time with you. You are always smiling in my dreams...I love you so much! My mom is here visiting in LA and she sends hugs and love, too, as do all of the Egans. xoxo

  7. Hello Jamie, Michael and family,
    I don't believe that we have ever met face to face Jamie, but my mispent youth was played out many times over with your wonderful man, Dr. Michael, while growing up in Williamsville, NY. I don't have words to express my thoughts and feelings for all that you and the family have experienced since that fateful day back in February, but I do know that it is a miracle that I can write to you today and am grateful to do so. I have a friend Patti who several years ago suffered a similar health challenge as you,and lives to tell about it today. It is in that spirit, that I send an infinite amount of love and healing energy to you and the family, such that each day finds you gaining strength to continue on with your new way of life. I have spent the last 17+ years in the Wellness and Lifestyle arena and have the utmost faith in the bodies ability to heal and continue to allow you to live this experience called life. Please accept this humble hello and introduction as a sign that you are loved by all and that the same source energy that brought us all into this world continues to answer your request of living out your lifes purpose as a daughter, sister, parent, committed partner and friend. I look forward to hearing of your continued success in teaching us what it means to be human and allowing life to unfold one moment after the next.
    Love and Peace to all from the shores of the Salish Sea in WA state - Doug Barlow

  8. Always in my prayers..... keep going Jamie...every day is a gift you give to yourself and your family and friends. Can't wait for you to come back to the gym!

  9. Jamie just posted on Facebook that she is home! So excited to hear it.
