Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jamie's Home!!!

Jamie has finally come home! It has been a little over 1 week and Michael and the children couldn't be happier. She continues her rehab at home and is getting stronger ever day. She is back on Facebook so you can contact her there as well.


  1. Lisa you have done an amazing job keeping everyone update with Jamie's progress, much appreciated. I come on this blog all the time hoping to hear the next milestone prey for good news. Jamie, so happy that you are home, where you belong. You're truly an inspiring person.Love, Amy D.

  2. Hi Jamie!

    So happy you are home! That is the best news!
    I know you have been working so hard on your recovery, and your perseverance is paying off.
    Keep up the good work!

    Lots of love to you and yours.....


  3. just read your post and ALMOST peed my pants with excitement. I do have the tears flowing down my face upon reading that you are back at home. I continue to pray for your advancements in your recovery. Keep up the good work. Hugs and smiles....Kathy
