Monday, April 11, 2011


Jamie is now back at Rusk to resume her month of acute rehab. She continues to improve and the plan is to transfer to a sub-acute facility on Long Island in mid May.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Jamie was transferred to the acute hospital at NYU Friday night. She is having fevers and the doctors are trying to figure out a source. She remains on antibiotics. Hopefully she will defervesce soon able be able to resume her rehab. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Great News, Jamie's stay at Rusk has been extended through May 5th. This is great because it means another full month of intensive rehab.She continues to improve and strengthen herself and that is why another full month will be so beneficial for her. She is getting stronger and moving toward her goals. She continues to show signs of that Jamie spark. Yesterday a young resident came in and commented on her lunch tray, "The food looks good here." She looked straight at him and very seriously said, "Do you want to change places with me and get in this bed". Too funny and also so typical of Jamie's healthy sense of humor.