Monday, April 11, 2011


Jamie is now back at Rusk to resume her month of acute rehab. She continues to improve and the plan is to transfer to a sub-acute facility on Long Island in mid May.


  1. So glad to hear you are back in rehab Jamie. Always thinking of you everyday! Love you Emily

  2. Good Job Jamie, Keep working, you have a lot of people behind you. Love Brian & Patti Marks

  3. Hello Beautiful Jamie!

    Happy to hear you are back in rehab. I visualize you getting stronger every day! Going to Kathy's for dinner tonight, and am looking forward to meeting your Dad!

    Lots of Love to you and yours..... Carolyn

  4. Hey Jamie,
    Glad to hear you are back at Rusk. keep strong & stay well! Hope to see you soon:)
    JoAnne D

  5. woo hoo! Glad to read the good news. Sending prayers and good wishes.

    Love, Ruth Ravitz Smith

  6. That is great news! Thinking of you often and hope you are getting stronger daily. Keep up the good work and stay well.

  7. Hi Mike..glad to hear your Jamie is back on track. Still thinking of you and your family and sending those good vibes.

  8. Way to go Jamie! You can do it!!
    love Denise xxoo

  9. Thinking of you Jamie!! One day at a time . . .
    Jayne (tennis)

  10. Jamie saw a picture of you and your great all look not a day over 40! Keep up the hard work...we are always thinking about you and your family up here in Canada.

    Leslie Sofarelli

  11. Jamie,
    So glad you'll be moving closer to home. Thinking of you always and sending you lots of strength to get through all the therapy.
    Nancy, Paul and the boys

  12. Jamie, we miss your LOUD voice on the lacrosse field! Can't wait to have you back. Keep up your great work!

    Thinking of you all the time.
    With love and hope!
    Heidi, Steve, John, and Lindsay Edmonds

  13. Best wishes for continued success in your recovery. You go girl!

  14. Hi Jamie and Mike,

    So glad to hear that you are going strong in rehab...looking forward to laughing with you soon! xo Diane and Andy

  15. Always thinking of you !! I know that as each day passes you're getting stronger. Happy Passover Nemirov family - I love you all very much !!

  16. Glad to hear that you are continuing to recover. We are enjoying reading about your progress, and praying for your set backs. Kathryn wanted you to know that she was asked to play JV and is kicking some major butt!!!! She is looking forward to Express!!!! Happy Passover, and our thoughts are with you and your family. The Finne Family

  17. Hi Jamie and Michael!
    Just wanted to say hello, how are you and that I am thinking of you.

  18. Hi Jamie and Michael-
    I think of you often and hope you are continuing to improve. Seeing the info about soccer...a 6 year old girl told her dad "scoring a goal is like kissing a cake" Lillian loved that quote and I hope it makes you smile as it did me. Best wishes and hugs for continued improvement.

  19. Hi Jamie
    Thank Goodness Jack finally found the blog!! I think about you everyday, Jamie. Can't wait to hear your wonderful laugh. Keep pushing Jamie, you've got this babe!!! Love you . Hope I can get in to visit soon.
    Joyce and Jack Harv

  20. Hi Jamie and family! I was just reading the LAX sports section of Newsday and saw David's name!! Great game you must be proud!! Even though they lost they played amazing and I hate to say this, for I am a West Islip High School graduate, I would have been secretly happy if WM won this game!! Hope you are continuing to get stronger Jamie love Emily

  21. Hi Jamie! We haven't forgotten about you and think of you every day! Sending all our love, Lisa and Ed

  22. Dear Jamie,
    It's been some time since I wrote on this blog but you are so often in my thoughts and prayers. As I drive Elisabeth to school, I often think of you and your family. I'm sure with each day you are getting stronger and your spirit is filled with hope. May you continue to show great progress and be back with all who love you very soon.

  23. Hi, Jamie, hope your time at Rusk has been helpful. I am so looking forward to your return to the Island, making visiting easier... we were in Maryland over Passover and saw Janet Z, who of course, asked about you. Everyone is pulling for you, keep up the good work!

  24. Always thinking of you and praying each day is brighter for you. Stay strong and keep smiling.
    Love, Patricia, Frank, Kate & Patrick Viviano (Express)

  25. Hey Jamie, we know how very hard you have been working,we are so proud of you & your ever-supportive family and community of friends. We can't wait to see you soon! You are never, ever, far from our thoughts and hearts and prayers. We will see your smiling face on Mother's Day. Sending so much love,
    The Egans

  26. Jamie -
    Thinking about you all the time.
    Sending much love,

  27. Hi Jamie!! sending love and support to you and everyone in your family. happy mother's day!

  28. Hope you are rehabbing well...looking forward to an update!

    Leslie S.

  29. Dear Jamie,
    Just wanted to let you know that we think of you everyday. Hoping that your days are filled with success and lots of sunshine :) Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy your family and hope to see you soon.
    The Profit Family

  30. Jamie..David and Danny just picked up Jack with the top down!! I know how proud you are of the kids, they are so loving, kind, and tough...just like you!!! and Mike!! They are off to a pasta party..I am saving all the articles for you.
    Keep pushing the envelope, you've got this!!! Love you
