Saturday, April 2, 2011


Great News, Jamie's stay at Rusk has been extended through May 5th. This is great because it means another full month of intensive rehab.She continues to improve and strengthen herself and that is why another full month will be so beneficial for her. She is getting stronger and moving toward her goals. She continues to show signs of that Jamie spark. Yesterday a young resident came in and commented on her lunch tray, "The food looks good here." She looked straight at him and very seriously said, "Do you want to change places with me and get in this bed". Too funny and also so typical of Jamie's healthy sense of humor.


  1. Hi Jamie
    Happy to hear about you extension at Rusk--you are making amazing progress--I miss you and would love to come visit when you are up to it--I'll bring you real food!
    Love Sandy

  2. That resident must have ran from that room!! Great news about the extension! Jamie I hope you like my package I sent you! Take care Love to you and your family Always in my thoughts and prayers Emily

  3. Keep going strong Jamie!
    love you and the family so much.

  4. Jamie;

    So happy to hear of the progress you are making and the perseverance you continue to show all of us. Dr. Daniel is on vacation for 2 weeks, Momma's away so you know what happens then... Again and always thinking of you, sending you well wishes !!! Keep up the good work xxoo

  5. Hi Jaimie! Thats our girl! Give'em hell!

  6. PS.... Remeber those Girl Scout cookies you ordered from Danielle Perugini? John dropped them off to me with my order & I'll get them to your house tomorrow. I'm sure the kids will enjoy them!
    Debbie H

  7. Jamie, so happy to hear of your progress. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love, the Melfi's

  8. Jamie, I can SO hear you making that comment! Have been thinking of you even more than usual (which is all the time)...Last Friday Amelia graduated from the Versant Nursing Residency at CHLA, it was a beautiful event, and if course I am so proud of her. Being surrounded by so much of all the best that CHLA has to offer was a sweet reminder of our brief time together there, and how lucky I was to leave with your enduring friendship. Someday we'll go visit Amelia there together... xoxoxo Kathy
