Saturday, March 26, 2011


Jamie continues to make progress. She is now able to walk short distances with assistance! She is reading the paper and enjoying all the blog posts. Michael and the entire family continue to be there for support and comfort. Everyone is overjoyed with her progress although not surprised by her grit and determination!

Jamie we all love you so much, you are constantly in my thoughts.


  1. Hi Jamie..... we do miss you at the gym. Can't wait for you to come back. You are an inspiration for all us. Thinking of you always.... Maureen

  2. Way to go, go girl!!! Thinking of you always...xo, Deb

  3. Jamie, so thrilled to hear about your progress and how well you are doing. We love you and think about you every day. Ed and I had our 24th anniversary on Monday and you were such a big part of our wedding! Keep working hard! Lisa and Ed

  4. so happy to hear this great news!! you are unbelievable!! but no one ever doubted you. hope to see you again soon.
    all my love,

  5. Hey Jamie
    We were talking about you and your progress at work--we all miss you so much and we are thrilled with your progress. Can't wait to see you. You are the strongest, most determined person I know. Love you, Sandy

  6. Jamie,
    You are truly an inspiration to all of us. I love reading this blog and seeing how many people care about you and think about you everyday, I know I do...
    Keep up the hard work, it will pay off...can't wait to see you.. Please give my best to your family and tell Sammy Victoria says "hello". You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers....Barbara

  7. WOW Jamie...standing? Great job. You are doing really well in such a short period of time which I am sure feels like forever to you. Hang in there, listen to your specialists and more importantly to your body and it's only a matter of time. You are something special, but then again I as well as my family always have known that about you.

  8. Happy to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the good work. Love from the Jahan and Ferdman families.

  9. Jamie,
    Keep up the hard work, your doing great! Its great to hear that you are making strides. I pray for you & your family, for a quick recovery. You are always on our minds at GSH ED.
    Hope to see you soon. We all miss you!
    Love JoAnne D

  10. Not a day goes by without me thinking of you. I am thrilled to hear you are making progress. I would like to come visit, perhaps in May.

    With all my love, skinhead.

  11. Jamie,
    Such fantastic news! We are so thrilled to hear about your progress.
    We remember how determined you were on the slopes in Utah. Keeping up with your amazing skiing family was no easy task but you did it.
    We know you're going to do the same thing in rehab.
    Thinking of you always,
    Nancy and Paul

  12. Jamie,
    You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and hearts every day. We are grateful for this blog to keep us "attached." Please know that we are out here cheering for you, sending love, and being inspired by you.
    Big hugs from the Pena-Lobels!

  13. Bonjour Buttercup!
    Comment allez-vous? I am just fine.
    Sooo happy to hear you are kicking ass!!!
    Can not wait to see you.
    Bentley is great.

  14. Jamie, The Folan Family is sending our positive vibes and prayers your way. Happy to hear of your progress! Sue

  15. Hi Jamie, me again. So very happy to see you're doing better. Keep up the grueling therapy so you'll be back where you belong, we miss you at Good Sam, lots of love, Sandi

  16. Hey Jamie,

    Do you have the means to play Scrabble on FaceBooK????? I've got a lot of spare time. Hoping to visit at the end of next week and I miss you sooooooo much.

    xooxKaren Graham

  17. Hey Jamie:

    Ready to run sprints down the lax field yet? So great to keep hearing good news, take your time, rest and let everyone take care of you because you know the minute you're's going to be all you again (working, cooking, shopping, fund raisers), you know the drill :) Seriously, we love you, so happy this will be behind you soon and we're coming down this summer, really! Can we still go to the West Hampton Beach Club?
    Love you and all the Bauer's are thinking of you, Karen & Jim

  18. Jaime-
    Keep up the great work! We're so happy to hear how well you are doing. Never doubted it for a minute- you are an inspiration! We hope to be visiting you very soon.
    Laura and Craig

  19. Jamie- Gidget and I were just sitting at work checking the latest blog and saw that you are walking!! We are soooo happy! We are always thinking of you, especially when we are at work!! We can't wait to see you. Love and miss you! Emily and Gidget.

  20. Keep going Jamie! Every day I try to get updates, and am so happy for you, Michael and the kids that things are going so well. Stay strong, we have several "special" birthdays to celebrate and Michael mentioned another vacation Nemirov style........!!
    We love you so much. Sharon and David and girls...

  21. (Note:this is from cousin bobby at Rehap with Jamie. These are here direct words today)
    " hello thanks for reaching out. I am feeling mixed :) love ya Jamie "

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Wow! it's great to hear from you, eben if it's from cousin Bobby. thanks Bobby! Keep up the great work Jamie.
    JoAnne D

  24. Keep working hard Jamie...we need you back in the ER... the patients and staff all miss you. Lots of Love,

  25. Hi Jamie: We are so happy to hear of your amazing progress from both the blogs and Debbie, David and the boys. We are hoping to hear continued good news. Our thoughts are with you always.
    Linda and Harold

  26. Hi Jamie,
    So glad to hear you about your amazing progress! Love to all, Gary, Marcie and Anneka

  27. Hi Jamie, there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and your family. I have been following you all the way. You are one of the toughest people I know, so I knew I would soon enough be reading this great news. You are making amazing progress! Keep it up - can't wait to see you.

  28. Greetings from GSH EM office, I'm the spokesperson for our office so here goes. Message from Bill Sierra - get the heck back here real soon, we miss you. Message from Bruce Litwack - ditto, Bruce is a man of few words, but I think you get the point, we love and miss you, and besides, without you no one really answers my haunting email reminders, hahaha, love you, Sandi B.

  29. Nemi, Thinking of you and your family often. Great speaking with you the other day, always glad to hear good news about Jaime's progress. Very Happy for The Nemirov's! Jaime, You have INCREDIBLE strength and determination! With Love,Christine and Family

  30. Jamie, my darling dear friend, I was so happy to have been able to spend a few days with you last weekend! You are working SO hard, and the progress clearly are absolutely amazing! Michael continues to be a powerhouse of love and support; he has many, many loving family members and friends behind him. Together we all continue to look forward with optimism. Just be sure to rest when you need to, you need to recharge your battery to keep up with the rigors of your therapies. You are never far from my thoughts, and always in my heart, dear friend. Tomorrow especially, as we celebrate Danny's birthday, I will be thinking of the Nemirovs with all the best that the universe has to offer. xoxoxo

  31. Hi Jamie. So happy to hear your making wonderful progress. Keep up the great work. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Stay strong and determined. With love, Patricia, Frank, Kate & Patrick Viviano

  32. Hi Jamie-

    So glad to hear you are making such excellent progress! Caroline sees Sam at gymnastics every Monday : )
    Love you lots!! Kim, Jimmy, Holly & Caroline

  33. Hi Jamie,

    I've been keeping up with your progress through the blog and Randy. I'm always sending positive thoughts to you and your family and am so very happy to see the positive news.

    Lots of love,
    Robin (Gillespie)

  34. Hey, Jamie, I love hearing the stories about your wit and humor returning, so keep it up. Watch out for the jokester nurses on April fools' day!!! (The walking around is pretty cool, too). Just think, you got Michael to use the computer and Lisa to blog! What miracle is next?!
    Love, Robin

  35. Sending you lots of thoughts and love.
    Stay strong, work hard, remember how loved you and your family are.
