Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Jamie continues to improve and get stronger. Today she was able to stand independently! She is reading the blog and so we need to keep the positive messages coming to her! We all knew she was a fighter and she continues to display that determination everyday.  

Jamie we all love you very much and you are constantly in our thoughts.


  1. Jamie, I am so happy to hear about you're progress. I have been thinking about you, Michael and the kids everyday !! If there's anything I've learned about the Nemirov family it's that they're fighters- strong willed and determined. I can't wait to see you so I can tell you face to face how proud I am of you and how much I admire you. Keep doing what you're doing .. looking forward to getting the call to come by and make some macaroni and cheese. I love you so much !!


  2. Dear Jamie
    Keep the faith--you are amazing and we are all rooting for you. I can't wait to see you. And I want to let you know how amazing your family is. Wait until you see Samantha do her free hips to giants! I will try to tape it and send it with Michael but you know how "good" I am with the camera. Love you

  3. Hi Jamie!!! You truly are amazing,I know Sandy above said the same thing and I hope your ego can handle all of this! Everyone that knows you and your family is cheering for you and your recovery - YOU CAN DO IT! We continue to think of you everyday; always remembering your happy, smiling face. Love you!! Denise Bentley Lewis xxoo

  4. hey jamie
    so glad that you are feeling better. it was so nice visiting with you last week. you look beautiful and you are an inspiration to all of us. keep on fighting and know that we are all behind you every step of the way. looking forward to seeing you again soon.
    all my love,

  5. Jamie...
    Jenna and I are so happy to hear what amazing progress you are making. Can't wait till we are able to tell you in person how proud we are of you. Keep up all your good work and your high spirit and can't wait for some more positive news. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

    Love Karen and Jenna

  6. Dear Jamie:

    I am counting the days! I will see you on Thursday, a week from today.
    I can't wait.
    Do you remember staying up all night talking in our dorm room at the last Cornell reunion? I won't do that to you this time I promise.
    See you soon
    Love, Cammy

  7. Hi Jamie. Glad to hear you're doing so well, you gave us all quite a scare! I'm coming to see you next Friday with Cammy and I can't wait. Maybe when you're feeling better and back at home we'll have an AEPhi reunion.
    Luv ya!! (that was especially for you!)

  8. Dear Jamie,

    That's Great News! Last night at work, I mistakenly called Delia, Jamie! You better hurry back.

    Love and Prayers,


  9. Hey Jamie. This is great news. We miss you and can't wait to see you. You are constantly on my mind. Keep up the good work!
    xoxoKaren and Scott

  10. Hey Jamie,
    It's great to hear that you are improving and working hard. Keep up the good work. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  11. Yes!!!! Jamie, you are amazing and I am thrilled to hear about the progress you are making. I wish I could come with my mom to visit you this week but aince I can't, I'm sending all my love to you with her, along with all the positive energy my friends and I can muster! There are so many people rooting for you and you're in my thoughts and prayers daily. Love you <3 Amelia

  12. Dear Jamie and Mike,
    WOW!!! Show them what you're made of!! What great progress. We will keep the prayers coming.
    Christine (Ruggiero), Neal, Harrison + Knox Mellert

  13. Jamie,
    You truly are the strongest woman I know, keep up the great work! I miss you so much at work, it's not the same without seeing your smile! Thinking of you everyday! Love, Michelle C.

  14. Jamie you are amazing! I knew you would keep blowing us away with your progress! I miss you at work. Every time I print a chart, find a table to write on and make sure my patients are in their gowns I think of you! One busy night at work and you are always on my mind! Keep up the strong work. Lots of love to you and your family. Love Emily

  15. Hi Jamie,

    Still thinking of you and Mikey every day. Hope to see you soon, keep getting better.

    Bill Ohriner

  16. Hi Jamie, thanks to Lisa for keeping us updated on your continued improvement and progress. You, Mike and the kids are in our thoughts and prayers. With much love, Miriam and Natalie xoxo
