Thursday, March 3, 2011


Jamie was transferred to the Rusk Institute in Manhattan today. The Rusk Institute is one of the top 10 rehabilitation centers in the country. She will be in very good hands and will be undergoing a rigorous program. This is another huge step forward towards Jamie's recovery. Michael and the  whole family continue to be  encouraged by all the supportive blog posts.


  1. Thinking of you everyday !!! Love you all !!

  2. that is just great news, Jamie
    Keep up that great work
    Love to all of your family, but especially to you Jamie.
    Lisa, Thanks for keeping us up to date. I have had trouble commenting, but so glad to read...
    Pat Toolan

  3. Good Morning Jamie,
    May today be a day filled with continued hope and strength.
    Thoughts and prayers are with you throughout the day.

  4. Thinking of you today and everyday. It was so nice to see Sami on Tuesday night at lax meeting. Her big smile reminded me of you. Stay strong and keep fighting. Love, Patricia, Frank, Kate & Patrick

  5. Michael, Jamie and kids,
    So happy to hear that Jamie is moving forward in her recovery. We think of you all the time and continue to pray for Jamie. Wishing you strength and love through this time. We are here for you if you need us! Love, Rosalee and Andrew.

  6. Great to hear that Jamie is doing so well. Our prayers are with your family and we are available if you need us for anything. My dad went through rehab at Rusk and it is an amazing place. Jamie is in great hands at Rusk. Lynn, Don, Ryan, Taylor and Dylan Molloy

  7. jameron, i love you and will visit soon. Lisa

  8. Your recovery continues to be amazing! We will keep you in our prayers. Robin

  9. Jamie you work hard and continue to keep moving forward in your recovery! Michael you and the kids are always in my prayers and I will continue to pray for progress and strength for Jamie and the entire family! Emily

  10. Jamie -
    Love you and I am thinking about you all the time. So thrilled to hear about your progress. xoxo Jody

  11. Jamie,
    You are so amazing. We are so grateful you are healing, recovering and staying strong. We are praying for you, Michael and family everyday and then some! Lots and lots of love, Marcie, Gary and Anneka

  12. Jamie,
    You keep fighting. Always knew you had a little "city girl" in you. Glad you are getting the best of care in Manhattan! Love you from a far!
    Michele Canny Gilles

  13. What encouraging news! Continued prayers of support!

  14. WOW! Jamie... knew you would do it! continued prayers adn thoughts are with you all.

  15. Dearest Jamie,
    What a gift, to have been able to spend a part of each day I was in NY with you. Each day you progressed a little bit more, and that was so encouraging! I want to thank your wonderful family and friends for sharing so much of you with me. Back here in LA, I am missing you so much. What keeps me going is knowing that when I see you again, you will be even further along in your recovery. We all continue to send prayers and positive energy your way. You are the best, dear friend. xoxoxoxo Kathy & John, Amelia, Katy, Rose and Carolyn
