Monday, February 28, 2011


Jamie continues to show courage and determination. Her good friends are in visiting from California. Micheal's parents continue to help him out at home. Jamie will likely be transferred to a rehabilitation hospital in New York City by the end of the week.


  1. Jamie you continue to be strong and show that fighting spirit we all know you have! Michael, David, Danny and Samantha I hope you all know there are so many people supporting and praying for you behind the scene and if you need anything, anytime, please do not hesitate to ask! Someone said last night at work that this blog is addicting... It is because everyone just wants to hear that Jamie and family are continuing to do well and Lisa I thank you every time I come on the blog and see your comments! Love and continued prayers to all Emily and everyone from GSH ED

  2. Jamie, Michael, and kids...Thinking of you and praying for Jamie everyday. Amazing news Jamie! We all knew you could do this. Keep the faith. Positive thoughts and love coming your way along your road to recovery!
    Love Rosalee and Andrew.

  3. Jamie, Michael, Danny, David and Sam--we love you all and are rooting for Jamie's continued progress--we know she can do it. You guys are always in our prayers.
    Love Sandy, Louis, Sam and Sarah

  4. Dear Jamie
    I think of you often; as I go about my day or wake up during the night. Life can be so uncertain at times. We all really need to hold onto what's really important. May God continue to heal you! Best wishes and continued prayers.

  5. hey jamie
    so great to see your smiling face today!! watching you is like seeing a miracle in progress! you are so strong and so motivated. i look forward to watching you get stronger and stronger each day! you are moving on and moving ahead. i am so proud of you. you truly are an inspiration!
    with all my love,

  6. Jamie, you are simply amazing. miracles do happen....may God continue to give you and your family strength as you continue to recover.
    All our love, The Kim's

  7. We are so glad miracles do happen right in front of our eyes. I am so happy to hear you are getting better everyday. I can't wait to see you, and I hope it is soon. Kathryn (PS Go Express!! (: )

  8. Dear Jamie,
    I am so glad to hear of the progress you are making. You were always such a positive person so I know you have what it takes to regain your life. I am so sorry we have lost touch over the years but I want you to know that I think of you often. I am hoping to coordinate with Cammy to visit you. In the mean time I wish all the best for you and your family.
    Much love,
    Beth DiRusso

  9. Jamie, Mike, David, Danny, and Sam,

    It was so wonderful to see you all yesterday. The love and care that you share with each other and your fantastic parents is inspirational.
    Jamie, we were so happy to speak with you and see your smile and beautiful blue eyes.
    Best of everything as you start the next phase of your recovery.
    Now go kick some butt at rehab!!

    With much love,

    Diane and Andy

  10. Nemi, Good to see you back at Mather. We missed you. The rehab therapists are pretty amazing and Jamie is amazing, so the combination is bound to produce an incredible outcome. Hope everyone is having a good day. Wes and Emma are working on their special cards for Jamie. See you soon! Love, Christine and Family

  11. Jamie
    So happy to hear this wonderful news!! Get your rest, it will only make you stronger. All the best for a 110% recovery. Keep smiling :)
    Jayne (tennis)
