Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 3

Thanks to all who posted. The Nemirov and Musiker families are very grateful for all the support and outpouring of love and concern for Jamie. Today was an uneventful day, and that is a good thing. She continues to be resting in a heavily sedated state. She was stable overnight. For now no news is good news! Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Michael and the children are surrounded by and being cared for by the Musiker and Nemirov families who have all arrived here. He doesn't need any help right now but for those of us anxious to provide it I'm sure there will be a need in the upcoming days and weeks and then we will set up the help chain.


  1. This is good news, Lisa. Thanks for the update. Sending all our love from Maine...the Charbonneaus

  2. Lisa, I told Mike today I was off on Mondays and Fridays when the need arrives but in case you are doing the organizing count on me for one or both of those days. Sheri

  3. Thank you Lisa for keeping us all in the know. Our love and prayers are with Michael, Jamie, David, Danny, and Samantha. We are ready to assist in anything as soon as needed. Much love from Buffalo,
    Sharon, David, and Sydney

  4. "Dear God, We ask that You be with Jamie at this time and give her body the strength to endure. We ask that you work through the doctors and nurses to give Jamie the best possible care. We ask that you help the doctors and nurses to think clearly and to use the best combination of medicines to help her body to heal during this time. Lord, we thank you for the support of friends and family during this extreme time of need. And we ask that you keep your angles around Jamie and her family during this time and give them peace,

  5. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jamie and the entire family.Jamie is a special person who exudes a special love for the childrens lives whom she touches. She has a special love for life which surrounds her, and I am sure this along with her inner strenghth will pull her through this terible tragedy.All our love and prayers, the Hegarty family

  6. We are thinking of Jamie and her family and praying for the best. I am especially thinking of Jamie in college having one of her many "I love life" days - suffice it to say that most of Jamie's days I am sure were such but she took time to particularly announce them periodically. So I know she is thinking that right now and it will help her to heal. Her good moods were always contagious so we should all have good thoughts.
    All our love,
    Beth DiRusso Grenauer and family
