Saturday, February 19, 2011


Jamie continues to get stronger. She is awake and alert. She is talking and interacting with her family. She was even singing along with one of the songs playing on her ipod! She remains the same ole Jamie-thank god! We look forward to each day bringing more of her strength back. Your blog postings continue to encourage and support her family. Jamie is now hearing about your postings and she is very happy to hear that so many people are supporting her.


  1. Wow this is really wonderful how the news keeps getting better and better! I cannot even put into words how thankful I am that you are making such amazing progress Jamie! I continue to pray for your strength and recovery and just like everyone else on this blog I will continue to support you and your family every step of the way during your recovery! I can't wait till the day you are back to work telling me what to do! Love you and love to your amazing wonderful family! Emily

  2. Hi Jamie! We do not know you personally but are friends with the Polasky family and our daughter goes to Gelinas with your daughter... We have been following your progress and are thrilled to hear how well you are doing!!!!!! Keep up the good work and we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. With love and frinedship, Jeanne, Franco, Peter and Elaina Frantellizzi

  3. Miracles happen every day!! Jamie, you are a fighter! Your Good Sam family misses you and we continue to pray for you and your family. Sending positive thoughts your way! Michele

  4. WOO-HOO!!! Oh Jamie, such great news. John and I are counting the days until we are by your side, celebrating and offering up prayers of thanksgiving for your continued recovery. I can just picture you singing along with your ipod. So precious!

  5. This is Awesome news! Jamie I'm so happy you are on the road to recovery. I will keep preying each and every day for you and your family. I will have a fresh cup of black coffee waiting for you your first day back to work. Love you and miss you! Marie(ER Tech).

  6. WONDERFUL NEWS: Jamie, it is so great to digest such news. My family and I continue to pray for you, your family, and all your caregivers at SBUH. I know you love your ipod, you inspired me to get one, because you enjoyed yours.

  7. Jamie, so happy to hear how well you're doing. You're in my thoughts and prayer. Keep fighting. Can't wait til you are out. Stay strong. Love, Laura Melfi

  8. Great News!!! Our family is jumping with joy.
    Our thoughts and prays for a speedy recovery remain strong.

    Cheers and Love,
    Dana, Dave, Alec, and Andrew

  9. Keep have a lot to sing about!!
    Our entire family is constantly thinking about you all. We are thrilled and inspired by Jamie's strength and determination each day.

    Looking forward to celebrating many, many birthday lunches together!!

    xo, Diane

  10. hi jamie,

    i am so excited to hear about your progress. it was so great seeing you the other day. i cant wait to see you again when you are stronger! i pray for your full and complete recovery each and every day. and dont let michael forget.....we have a date in miami as soon as you are well! love you!


  11. Jameron, I am thrilled to hear about your progress. I sang Circle Games and Anticipation, and thought about riding along and singing at the top of our lungs. Thinking of you every day, and love you very much. Skin.

  12. This is awesome news! Thinking of Jamie and her recovery everyday. With much love, Jody

  13. I miss you next to me on the elliptical at the gym. Can't wait for you to come back! There is nothing you can't get without hope and faith if you believe. I believe in you! I'm soooo happy.

  14. Mike,
    So very happy to hear the great news! my prayers for you all continue.
    AnnMarie Netuschil

  15. Mike,
    I am so happy for all of you to hear this great news! My thoughts, prayers and healing energy to All of you.Ewa

  16. Fantastic! We are thrilled with Jamie's miraculous recovery. We are still praying for a complete recovery. Our whole family truly believes in the power of prayer. We are very happy for you and Jamie.
    Keep the faith.
    Anthony, Andrea,Andrew, Allison, Alex Frasca

  17. We are overjoyed for all of you!! This is the best have been in our thoughts and prayers everyday. We will continue to pray for a full recovery. We knew that you could feel the love and support of family and friends. God is listening to all of the prayers for you. Stay strong. We look forward to sharing your love of life with you soon :) xo
    Love and hugs,
    Deb, John, Tim, Gregory, Matthew and Andrew

  18. Jamie,

    We couldn't be happier!!! We can't wait to see that great smile!! Prayers have been answered!!

    xoxoKaren and Scott

  19. Hi Mike
    We are so very happy for you Jamie and your whole family what great news, we thank God that he answered everyone's prayers and brought Jamie back to you all we pray that Jamie gets stronger everyday and is out and about real soon. Love to you all kathy and Billy

  20. Jamie....I just heard of your medical event and just found your blog. I shed not just a few tears but rather enough to fill a bucket after hearing that you suffered a brain bleed. I will be praying daily from here on in for both you and your family. Your a tough cookie! Your stubborn,full of determination,relentless at times ,compassionate,caring and giving.Many times You make sacrifices putting other folks needs ahead of your own. Now the time has come for you to say "ITS ALL ABOUT ME". Given your spunky and kickass abilities You will make great strides in your recovery phase.If I can do anything for You or your family let me know. Heading out to church to light a candle in your honor....luv ya kiddo..........kathy schrang

  21. Dear Jamie, Michael and family,
    You have been in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.
    We are thrilled to hear that you are making such wonderful progress and wish you a continued speedy recovery! We are here to help you guys with anything you need.
    With much love,
    Rhona, Ira, Evan,Lea and Daniella

  22. Tears of worry and concern have turned to tears of joy. Jamie I have no doubt it is the love of your family that is your healing power. Can't wait to see your smiling face. Keep fighting!!!!
    Love ya,

  23. Dear Jamie,

    Oh My God!!, I knew it was only a matter of time before you woke up! You continue to be strong, and we'll continue to pray. Love you and miss you.

    Love Jeannine and family

  24. Jumping for joy here! I can't wait to hear you sing Buttercup.
    Every day, Caroline asks how you are and when she can see you...we love you so much.
    Keep up the great work.

  25. Jamie,
    WOW! YOU ARE AMAZING! Tears of joy, I'm so happy for you and your loving family. I am so glad you are on the road to recovery. I will continue to pray for you & your family. We can't wait to hear from you soon! Stay strong & keep up the good work. You are a strong person and you can do it, you have proven it already. Anything you need we are all here for you. Keep it Up!
    Love JoAnne D

  26. OMG!!!! Best news I've heard in awhile. I'm so happy for you and your family. You truly are a blessing! We continue to pray for you and hold you close to our hearts. We look forward to seeing your big bright smile!
    Love, Patricia, Frank, Kate and Patrick Viviano

  27. SO Glad to hear this.We have not seen Jamie in sometime but our son Ryan used to play youth football and lacrosse with there son Danny.I always remember walking on the fields and Jamie saying it is the keefes hopefully we will see her this summer and she will sy the same .We are so glad everything turned out great
    Much love the Keefes Jack,Diana,Johnny,Ryan,Kylie and Frankie

  28. To Jamie, so much love, faith, family, and friends all praying for your full recovery. Everyday you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Much Love, Miriam & Natalie

  29. Darling Jamie......

    I am so thrilled to hear you are doing do well! You have been in my thoughts and prayers, and I am so glad to know that all the positive energy sent your way has worked! I am picturing your beautiful, smiling face and flashing blue eyes and I am smiling as I type this. I can only imagine how happy Michael, Danny, David and Sammy must be! Kathy and John are looking forward to seeing you soon. I'm sure you'll be getting a bunch of hugs, but please know that an extra big one is coming from me! Lots of love and God bless......


  30. Hi Jamie and Michael: We just found out about this marvelous blog. We have been praying for you and are so happy to hear about your great progress. We know the Musiker/Nemirov families have a tradition of great accomplishments. We wish you continued strength.

    Love, Harold and Linda

  31. Dear Jamie: We are so happy that you are making such great progress. You have been in our prayers since we heard. Can't wait to see you at WM Lax games.
    Love from Lory (O'Rourk) Pupatelli and Jean and Bob O'Rourk

  32. Jamie, you are an inspiration to us all! Miraculous! Keep up the hard work! Sending all our lovin' - The Goldsteins

  33. Truly, truly wonderful news!! I just came off from a shift in the ED and everyone is smiling and happy as if a dark cloud has been lifted and people are able to breathe better. We will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. I cant wait to see your smile again :) Keep fighting! - Gidget

  34. Hi Jamie,

    I am so thankful that each day brings a piece of Jamie back. Thinking of you and sending prayers up daily. You just keep being that positive, ready to go gal I always knew in college and each day will bring great things.

    Love to you and your beautiful family.


  35. Dear Jamie,
    We are so happy to hear such great news!! God has heard everyone's prayers! We just knew you would fight through.
    We all continue to pray for you and your whole family. Keep fighting, keep singing! :) Know that there are so many people pulling for you who care about you!
    Sending you all our love,
    The Dellecave Family
    Steph & Del, Hannah, Brian, Patrick & Caitlin

  36. Tears of happiness, sigh of relief when I heard the good news. One day at a time, remember baby steps are milestones.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers with love and hope today and always. Look forward to hearing your voice and seeing your smile again.

    Sending you hugs from ED nights ! OOXX

    Deb Duffy

  37. Jamie:

    Awesome news! We're all keeping you in our prayers for a quick and complete recovery. Keep strong! We'll be watching the blog for your progress and info for any help needed. God bless you, Mike and the kids.

    Bill, Therese, Jaclyn, James & Julia

  38. Oh, Jamie we're so happy that you're on the road to recovery. You've been nonstop in our thoughts and prayers all the way over here in Switzerland. Always someone to get the party started, even while you slept you were bringing together many of your AEPhi sisters as we worried together and supported one another -- reminding ourselves of your big heart and huge spirit. We're still with you and will continue to send prayers and healing vibes your way as you grow stronger.

    With lots of love, Jennifer and Steve Kern and family

  39. Hi Jamie!! We are so incredibly happy to hear how well you are doing! See you soon!
    Love, Denise & Tom

  40. Jamie,
    Yeah! Great news! Chris and I are so very happy to hear you're still singing loud! It brought a flood of memories and smiles. Sending hugs and prayers to you, Michael and your family. What a great day!
    Love,Sarah and Chris Lynch

  41. What wonderful news! All of you have been in our thoughts and prayers the past few weeks. We continue to pray that God watches over you. May you be blessed with a full, speedy recovery. The Alventosa family

  42. Great news-keep the music playing & we will keep the prayers coming and we know Jamie will be home with her loving family where she belongs!

    Much love-Debbie, Scott, Jordan & Jake Koppelman

  43. This is such great news!!!! You're a tough cookie! I know you will get better!!! Miss you at Good Sam!!!! Focus on getting well for yourself,Mike and the kids.:-)

  44. Jamie dear. You are amazing. Am filled with joy for your recovery. keep up the progress. You are loved by so many. Gary
