Monday, February 14, 2011


Jamie remains sedated but today was a good day. When David came to visit she opened her eyes and showed responsiveness to him. Earlier in the day she opened her eyes when Michael said her name. Many of you have expressed how much you want to see her bright blue eyes and today there were glimpses of them! It was the best Valentines Day gift! The Nemirov's continue to appreciate all the love and support everyone has shown them.


  1. Great news! Jamie we are cheering for you!!


    Jimmy, Kim, Holly and Caroline

  2. David, Danny and Samantha,
    I have known your father since the fourth grade and your mother not long after he met her. They are both very special people and as you have seen over the last 12 days they have touched the lives of many. There are many uncertainties in this world but there is one thing that is quite clear, You mother is a Champion and if anybody can kick this, it's Jamie! The prayers of many many friends are behind her.
    The Nemirov Family remains in our hearts.
    Brian and Patti Marks

  3. Dear Jamie, Michael, David, Danny, and Sam, we have been following the reports since the beginning, and have thought constantly about all of you. The words just wouldn't come together until now - Jamie, you are an inspiration, and I know you will beat this - you have the love and support of an incredible network of family and friends, and we are honored to be among them. Your strength will see you through. Michael, we are here for anything you and the kids may need - please do not hesitate to call upon us.

    With love,

    Wendy, Rob, Jordan, Kayla, and Nathaniel

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Awesome news, the love of a family is amazing.
    God Bless

  6. So happy to hear of the gift Jamie gave you all today! Thank you for keeping us informed, it means so much to us. We pray everyday for Jamie and the Nemirov family. Stay strong. You are loved by so many people.
    Love, The Profit Family

  7. What a wonderful Valentine's Day gift !! That is GREAT news. Jamie is one of the strongest people I know. I've known her for over 11 years and throughout the years, she has always been there for me - talking to me and listening to me. In every situation she always knew just what to say to cheer me up or push me in the right direction. I am here for her now, cheering her on and knowing that she will get through this. I love you very much, thinking of the entire Nemirov and Musiker family.


  8. what a valentines day gift!! she hears all our prayers and has begun to answer!
    she is so strong! we will keep on praying!

    love, jill

  9. Dear Jamie, Michael, David, Danny and Sammy
    We are so happy to hear the good news. Jamie, I can't wait til you are cheering Sam on at her next meet--and keeping me calm on the stands. You are always in our thoughts and we are praying for you and your family.
    Love you
    Sandy, Louis, Samantha and Sarah

  10. This is the best news!! Jamie you are always in my thoughts everyday and your family and please continue to be the determined fighter we all know you are!! Love and continued prayers to everyone Emily

  11. Dear Jamie, Michael, Sammy, David and Danny,
    What wonderful news! We will continue to send our love, prayers and healing thoughts to all of you!! May today bring you more blue eyes!
    The Cosentino Family

  12. Michael,So happy to hear that! We continue to pray and think so positive for her. She is such a strong girl. Love and support to all, Rosalee and Andrew

  13. I am so glad to hear the good news! I am an old friend of Jamie's from college and while we haven't kept in touch much, she'll always be a positive part of my life. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, her "I love life" moods were always contagious. She is clearly thinking about that now and feeling the outpouring of love from friends and family far and near.
    I look forward to more good news!
    Love from Beth DiRusso and family

  14. We are so glad to hear that Jamie is now opening her eyes. We have been thinking about her daily, and talking about what how lucky we are to have met her and her family. We laugh that we used to refer to her as "the loud Three village coach," and now we refer to her as a dear friend. We will continue to pray for a speedy recovery. Love, Chrissey and Kathryn Finne

  15. Good to hear about this forward progression as she continues to rest and heal. More positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. The Timm Family

  16. The news about this progression cheered me this morning. You are all in my thoughts.

    Lynn Sarison Chazin

  17. Michael-
    We are so happy! Continue to keep strong and we are always sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and Jamie.
    Laura and Craig

  18. How encouraging! Jamie is so often on my mind and in my prayers. I wake during the night and think and pray for her. May each day bring you more glimpses of hope.

    Love, Bentley

  20. What terrific news....We pray and wish for her recovery every minute of every day. Keep that good news coming. GO JAMIE WE LOVE YOU......
    Karen and Jenna

  21. Hi Michael.
    the Pollina clan sends warm hugs and loving thoughts your way! I know Jamie will have those
    gorgeous blue eyes open soon... we all love you guys....
    Rhonda,Bob,and all the boys.

  22. Mike & Family,
    GREAT NEWS!you all are in my thoughts & prayers.
    Terri Haddon

  23. As only Jamie could say, C'MON GET PSYCHED! Jamie - so many people love you and are rooting for you. I know you are coming around. Michael, David, Danny and Samantha - you guys are awesome love and hugs, E-squared.

  24. Great News!! We're so so happy!

    Our thoughts and prayers remain stronger then ever.

  25. That a girl Jamie!!! You are the strongest woman I know, we are all cheering for you!

  26. Thrilled to read this great news!
    We continue to keep Jamie in our thoughts and preayers--the Passanante family

  27. Micheal and Family
    It was so nice to hear the good news about Jamie, we are praying for you all and sending you positive thoughts stay strong you have alot of people pulling for you God Bless you Kathy and Billy

  28. Nemi, Everyone here at Mather is thinking of you. We contiue to pray for Jamie every day. Love and Support, All your friends from Ambulatory
