Saturday, February 26, 2011


Jamie continues to improve and is getting stronger each day. She is now out of the ICU and plans are being made to transfer her to rehab hopefully next week. Michael and the children remain strong and are a constant source of support for Jamie. Thanks again for the outpouring of love and support for the Nemirovs.


  1. Dear Nemirov family:

    We are so happy everyday to hear the continued good news! You are always on our minds and in our prayers, now I'm pretty sure there is someone up there listening! Oh, OK, OK Jamie, I'll stop drinking diet pepsi now. I'll be on the wagon when I get down to see you soon. Love to you all,
    Jim, Karen, Lauren, Thomas & Scotty Bauer

  2. I am so happy for all of you. Jamie, I think of you constantly and am THRILLED to know you are getting stronger every day. I can't wait to see you.
    Love, Marianne

  3. So glad to hear that Jamie is improving and out of the ICU. Thank you for the updates as I anxiously await the next bit of news. San Francisco is very far away and I wish I could visit and see Jamie and family but am happy for the news updates. Keep strong and know you are in my thoughts.

  4. Dear Jamie and The Nemirov Family,
    We are so thankful for this blog, it is so wonderful to hear all the continuos good news and to see all the good wishes coming your way everyday. Our prayers are with you each and everyday. We love you Jamie!
    Love, The Profit Family

  5. Jamie's fighting spirit and athleticism will help her in rehab! I know she will do great!
    Lisa Charbonneau & family

  6. Nemi, Best of luck to Jamie. With her Strength and the Love and Support of so many I know she will do great. Looking foward to seeing you back at Mather. Take Care, Christine

  7. Thanks for the updates. WOnderful to hear such good progress.

  8. Glad to hear you are out of ICU. I bet you are getting stronger everyday. I can't wait to see you. Wishing you continued success on your recovery. The Finne Family

  9. glad to hear this wonderful news! So much love to the extended Nemirov family. and thank you for the great blog!
    Lots of prayers and love
    Pat Toolan

  10. We are so glad for the good news. We miss you Jamie!!! Can't wait to see you.
    xoxoKaren and Scott

  11. Jamie.
    I never doubted your inner strength and I always knew in my heart and soul that you would fight the fight no matter what, I know the love you have for your family and how proud you are of them. I am so happy you are out of ICU and on your way to recovery. Though I miss you so much at work, Sunday and Wednesday nights truly are not the same without you. I am thinking of you everyday and sending my love and prayers to you and your family. Keep up the great work! Much love, Michelle Castiglione
