Thursday, February 17, 2011


GREAT DAY!!! Sedation is off and Jamie is awake. Her first words were telling Michael she loved him! She is talking, whispering actually because her voice is hoarse. She recognizes family and friends! It's miraculous, we all knew if anyone would do it would be Jamie. We are all so thankful for this miracle. Please continue to send your wishes and prayers her way. She tires easily so it's a difficult time to visit her because she needs her rest.


  1. WOW....all I can say is WOW....please Jamie Leslie Sofarelli says she is amazing....

  2. Jamie
    We are SOOOOOOOOOOO thrilled with the good news. We can't wait to see you and Michael and know your progress will all be positive! Stay strong and know we are all praying for you
    You are in our hearts
    Pat and Shari

  3. This is the best news! How wonderful & simply amazing, our love to her! Miriam & Natalie

  4. Dear Jamie:
    I have missed you these past two weeks (even though I am in Florida) but you are back! I can't wait to see you with my own eyes.
    Words really can't say how happy we all are that you are awake and back with us.
    I am waiting anxiously for the day that I can hear your voice.
    Love ya Jamie!!!!

  5. Nemirov Family...I am in tears...I am so happy...This is truly a blessing...God is still listening...Jamie you are loved by so is amazing...Stay strong...get rest...our prayers will not stop until you are home with your family where you belong... God Bless you and your family...
    Again, thank you for posting this news...
    Love, The Profit Family

  6. Jamie,
    You are my inspiration! Thank you for the wonderful gift you gave me today.
    To see you care for Jamie is to know the meaning of true love.
    David, Danny and Samantha,
    You are blessed with a mom who is strong beyond words.
    Love you Jamie,

  7. This is the MOST WONDERFUL news!! My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jamie, and your family. You are amazing...

    Barbara Tierney

  8. Fantastic news. Way to go Jamie.

    Wonderful day.


  9. Jaime and Michael-
    We are so so happy to hear the wonderful news. Jaime you are truly amazing and courageous. We are so grateful to have you back. Stay strong and know we are always thinking about you and sending our love. Can't wait to see you smiling! Michael- you are an incredible.
    We love you,
    Laura and Craig

  10. This is the best news ever! We are so happy and will continue to keep praying. We love you all so much.
    Love the Loiodice family
    Jessica, Maria, Louis, Caroline, Louis and Frankie

  11. Great News! We are so happy to hear that Jamie is awake, talking and being with her family. Every time we read the daily news that was posted about Jamie on this blog, we were hoping to read what we read today. We are so happy for your family and we will continue to pray for a speedy full recovery. Again, if you need anything please let us know. Lynn, Don, Ryan, Taylor, and Dylan Molloy

  12. What amazing news! We are thrilled beyond belief! Please tell Jamie we love her, we're so happy! Let us know if we can help in any way.

    Love, the Bauers

  13. Hooray!! Welcome back Jamie! We all knew you could do it!! Love Diane xoxoxox

  14. Jamie,

    We love you from Sacramento, CA. I bet you woke with a smile!



  15. Thrilled beyond words!! Huge hugs to all of you! Go Jamie!!!! Lots and lots of love, Gary, Marcie and Anneka

  16. I can see those sparkling blue eyes and gorgeous smile!! Such great and happy news!! Thank you!! If anyone can do it, it's Jamie! We must keep the positive energy going!

  17. Wonderful, wonderful news!! I have been following along daily but was never sure what I could say. I've just been hoping, praying and sending all the positive energy I can muster across the country to Jamie, Michael, David, Danny and Samantha. You are all in my thoughts daily and I cannot express how happy I am to read this. Sending you so much love, Amelia <3

  18. This is beyond fantastic news!! Can't wait to see you on the tennis court. Sending love, friendship, prayers and positive thoughts your way. You go girl!! :)

  19. Brought to tears. Incredible news!!! Over flowing with joy for the Nemirov family. Jamie has the love and support of so many! Keeping the faith and saying our prayers daily for Jamie. With Love, Christine,Evan,Wes and Emma Silverman

  20. How terrific to get this news! Dear Nemirov Family -- we are so happy for all of you and will continue our thoughts and prayers as Jamie continues to improve.
    Kristy Catlin and David Bangs

  21. Dear Jamie and Michel,
    The miracle we have all been waiting for. Our prayers have been answered. We are so happy for you. We look forward to seeing your great smiles. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
    With love,
    Karen and Richard

  22. Ramsey and I could not be happier! We are thinking of her and praying everyday. Hugs-
    Kim & Ramsey

  23. Shedding tears of JOY and GRATITUDE while sitting here at our breakfast table!! Can't tell you how happy and relieved we are to hear this fantastic news! Tonight's Shabbat blessings will be devoted to you, Jamie, with love and thankfulness. Sending a big hug to all of the Nemirovs. Even the birds are singing for you today, Jamie!!

  24. are amazing! You are the reason the sun is shining today! Keep your spirit and your smile strong...we are so thrilled for your family.
    Wishing you strength and sunshine everyday forward!!!
    We love you...Diane and Andy

  25. BEST NEWS EVER !!! Jamie, you are amazing !! Can't wait to see you and give you a big hug !!

  26. just got the BIGGEST smile on my face!!
    This is such wonderful news....
    Jamie better get lots of rest so she can go on her birthday vacation she was telling me about!!
    sending warm hugs to beautiful Jamie and all of her loving family...
    Rhonda & BOB

  27. UNBELIEVABLE!!! We all could not be any more happy to hear how Jamie is soaring!! We will keep sending the prayers and love your way!
    Christine Ruggiero and family.

  28. Thank you God!
    Continued blessings and healing.

  29. What awesome news!! We pray and hope everyday is a better day.With all our love and prayers to Jamie and family the Hegarty's.

  30. Dear nemirov's and musika's
    when we first heard that Jaime was awake and speaking,first i was speechless,then i could only,i can't stop smiling.
    wishing all of you peace and non-stop hugs .....with love,the Halperts

  31. Dearest Jamie,
    There are no words to adequately express our joy, and thanksgiving, and continued hope and trust in your recovery. Your journey has been shared by so many; the power and strength of your healing community is awesome. You cannot have asked for a more devoted partner in Michael. He has kept the light shining in the darkness, even as he has confronted his own fear and sadness. You have always been a remarkable team, positive role models for your children (and really for all of us). This foundation will continue to serve you well as the journey continues. We are here for you and your family, always. With so much love from The Egans

  32. My heart is smiling! I knew that Jamie is a tough cookie. I am so happy. Keep up the good work Jamie, a family's love is so strong it can produce miracles. GS Peds ED misses you so much! I am praying for you everyday and send all my love to your wonderful husband and children. I know she loves you guys so much and is fighting so hard for you! Thanks so much for the blog!

  33. It is a great day indeed. The weather is beautiful and the birds are singing...all welcoming Jamie back. We cannot express how happy we are to hear such wonderful news. Stay strong and we know that nothing but the best will follow. All our prayers will continue until Jamie is home with her family. Hugs and Kisses Karen & Jenna. Also Lisa once again thank you for the great news...

  34. Jamie and Michael,
    Incredible news! We all new you could do this Jamie! You and your family are true inspiration to us all!Wishing you all the best.Stay strong and keep moving forward.We will keep praying for your recovery Jamie. Thank you Lisa for including us in this blog. It has been a blessing to know Jamies progress.All our love.
    Rosalee and Andrew

  35. Keep the good news coming. We are watching every day.

    Marmor family

  36. The power of love , prayer and Jamie...amazing!!! We were all smiles at Good Sam last night Love and miss you Jamie

  37. Dear Jamie,
    I knew that you wouldn't miss lacrosse season. Praying for you everyday.

    Jeannine and family

  38. I have not really seen Jamie since about 5th grade at North Country Elementary but have been watching the progress and paying for her. My husband suffered TBI in his early 20's and he's been telling me that when he was in his coma he could hear people and sensed what was going on to some extent so all the positiveness and family/friends love is certainly important and paying off. God Bless Jamie and her family - we will continue to hold only the best of thoughts for her full recovery. Time, patience, perserverence, prayers and love

  39. Great news!! Still sending up prayers for continued recovery and strength for Jamie. This must be a hell of a roller-coster for y'all; hang in there!


  40. AWESOME! Jaimie you and your family are in our thoughts & prayers daily at GSH. The power of pray is amazing. Keep it up! You are deeply missed!
    Love JoAnne D

  41. Can you do this calculation?

    An EXTRAORDINARY family + your insurmountable strength + the unwavering faith of thousands..... (who just happen to need you in our lives).... = The recovery of our Jamie. XOXOXO

  42. Dear Jamie.
    You must be feelin the love. All of St Marys parish in Rochester is sending you theirs. Keep up the miraculous progress. We love you so much. Gary

  43. I'm so thrilled to hear such wonderful news ~~ My thoughts are always with her and you. Just the best news EVER!!

    Luv to all~
    Diana (Mather Hospital OR)
