Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Jamie continues to improve and get stronger. She is expected to move out of ICU and plans are being made for rehabilitation.


  1. Way to go Jamie! Keep up the good work. Our thoughts and love are with and your family.
    Susan, Michael, Jayne and John

  2. You go Jamie!! My thoughts and prayers for continued strength and complete recovery are always with you! Love to you and your family! GSH ED misses you and everyone is smiling and happy that you are making such amazing progress!Keep up the good work. I need a partner at the next ED Christmas party to sing "build me up buttercup"! Love Emily

  3. Fantastic news! Looking so forward to seeing you all soon, and sharing in the warmth of your amazing family and friends. Keep it up, Jamie. We all know you can do it!! xoxoxoxo

  4. Everyday the news gets better and better, how wonderful. We knew in our hearts that you would not give up. Each night we speak about you and send you encouragement, love and prayers . Keep it up Jamie Much love to your husband and kids as we know they are the reason for your incredible recovery.
    Love ya

  5. jamie...

    you are amazing!! you are truly an inspiration to us all! but we all knew if anyone could beat this, it would be you. as you continue to recover, please know that i am here for you in any capacity you need (except of course cooking which we will continue to leave in the hands of the experts, michael and randy). and of course we will have to take time out to plan our girls trip. i am making a list for us! just rest, take things a day at a time and remember how much we
    love you! looking forward to seeing your smiling face soon!

  6. Nemi, Just came from Mather everyone continues to think of you and keep Jamie in their prayers. Great news about Jamie! She Truly is Incredible! Very happy for The Nemirov Family! With Love and God Bless, Christine Silverman and Family

  7. Hi Mike-
    I am so excited to hear all this great news! It's amazing what the power of love can do. I'm sure Jamie will continue to make great strides. You have been and remain in my thoughts and prayers.
    Hope to see you soon. Love-Donna D

  8. Mikey Miley Miley, this is such great news! You and Jamie and the children have been in my thoughts every night and day! All the prayers have been answered!

    I love u


  9. jamie I miss you so very much at new york sports clubs. I miss our talks and laughs oh so many laughs:) everyone at the gym sends their love and they know youre so strong! keep getting well. my family and i pray for you always. love you amanda

  10. so proud of you jamie!!! what progress!! I'm thinking of you every day and can't wait to see you again. You have the love of your family and friends...we will be with you every step of the way.
    love, Marianne

  11. It is truly wonderful and amazing to continue to hear about the progress Jamie is making. If there is one person this world should not be without it is Jamie Nemirov. We need to have more good people like her on this earth. The entire Roberts family is pulling for Jamie and the Nemirov clan. We love you guys and hope to have to opportunity to run into Jamie, Mike and the kids at a lacrosse game, hospital function or any other social setting once the recovery progress has come full circle. We continue to think positively and hold you in our hearts and minds every day.

  12. My thoughts are with you everyday, as I am continually amazed by your progress. You're gonna knock their socks off in rehab!! Keep up the good work!

  13. Mike..so happy to hear this promising news! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. ~Mish

  14. Mike and Jamie...so great to hear the news that you are strongly moving forward. we are all cheering for you and thinking of you and the kids constantly...looking forward to seeing you both soon...xo Diane and Andy

  15. Dear Mike,

    I am SO happy to hear about Jamie's amazing progress!! I will continue to keep you, Jamie and your children in my thoughts and prayers!


    Denise Monte

  16. Jamie we are so happy to hear that you are making great progress. We are all thinking of you, praying and remembering you. We miss you and want you to make a speedy recovery, we need you back at Good Sam. Love Cathy Caronia

  17. We are so happy to hear about your continued recovery. You are an inspiration of strength. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. The Finne Family

  18. Jamie... We are all pulling for you. We miss you in the ER at Good Sam and wishe there was more we could do to speed up your recovery... Be strong... lookiing forward to seeing you when you are up to visitors. xoxo Cathy M.

  19. hey jamie
    just wanted to let you know that i am thinking of you. so happy to hear about your continued progress on the road to your recovery. cant wait to see you! and btw, did michael give you the kiss i sent you???

    all my love,

  20. Jamie and Michael,
    So glad to hear that Jamie is continuing to improve. We're thinking and praying for you everyday. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you or your family. We love you guys.

  21. Oh Jamie-such great progress! You have put a smile on so many faces! You strength, determination and family dedication is unbelievable! Keeping moving forward! Good Sam needs you back!

  22. Jamie and Michael,
    We just heard about Jamie's condition and are glad to hear she is improving so much. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Valerie & Thierry

  23. Jamie,

    Your family is as amazing as you are. The love and support you have has brought you back to all of us and we could not be happier. Praying each day makes you stronger. We look forward to hearing more progress and seeing your smile.

    Deb Duffy

  24. Jamie and Michael,
    Great to hear Jamie continues to progress. We are looking forward to seeing you back. We miss your pot stiring in the OR Mike. Thoughts and prayers are with you
    The McGinley's

  25. Hi Mike, Please give Jamie our love and please let her know we are thinking of her, you the kids. Our continued prayers are daily for her recovery. With our love, Miriam & Natalie
