Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 7

One week has passed, time seems to be moving slowly. Nothing new medically she is stable and still sedated. She is surrounded by love. Her sisters are showering her with attention, like only sisters can do. Life long friends from childhood and high school traveled in today to visit. Michael's parents are helping at the house. Our girl is strong and we know she will prevail! Keep writing your positive thoughts and well wishes. Michael, David, Danny and Samantha continue to read the blog and are comforted by all the love, support and prayers.


  1. Jamie,
    We know you are getting the rest and care you so need and deserve. We are thinking and praying for you everyday and will keep checking this blog to see how you are doing. We all love you and know that you will come through when the time is right. Sam, Victoria sends you her love from school. <3 Luv, The Profit Family

  2. Mike...just wanted to let you know that you and your family have constantly been in my thoughts and prayers. Everyone at St. Charles is pulling for you and sending postive energy...

  3. michael, david, danny and samantha
    continuing to pray for jamie. but if anyone could have the power to pull through this, it will be jamie. her strength and determination and, more importantly, her love for all of you will be what makes her come back to all of us. as everyone knows, she is one tough cookie. and the outpouring of love and support shows how many lives she has touched. please stay strong and positive. we love you!

    jill and randy

    jill and randy

  4. Ed and I are thinking of Jamie daily and know that strong spirit of hers will pull her through. Please give our love to Jamie's family and to Michael and the kids. All of Jamie's Cornell friends and AEPhi sisters love her and are sending positive karma her way. Ed and Lisa Charbonneau

  5. Jamie, So good to hear that all is stable for now. We trust in the healing process and the amazing medical/emotional/spiritual care you are receiving. The Egans are soooo looking forward to continuing to share all the ups and downs of life with you all! Rest gently for now, and may God bless you and all of us, too... :-)

  6. Please let Michael and his family know that they are in my thoughts and I am praying for Jamie to pull through. I wish there was something I could do to help, knowing how tough this must be on everyone. A big hug of strength and support and waiting to hear the best.......Kathy Bergreen, St. Charles Hosp.

  7. Michael, We are thinking of all of you! Andrew and I would like to help in any way when and if you need it. Our best wishes and hopes are with Jamie. Sending all our love your way. Hoping and praying for Jamie's recovery!
    Love,Rosalee and Andrew

  8. Jaime, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We know you will get better with each day that passes. You are a special strong.

    With Love,
    June and Chuck Levine

  9. Michael,
    You and Jamie and the children are always in our thoughts and prayers. Stay positive. She is strong and time will be the answer. Kon and Rinna

  10. Mike, Jamie, David, Danny, and Sam,
    We are thinking of you constantly with wishes of love, hope, and strength for you all. We are looking forward to seeing Jamie strong, healthy, and surrounded by the friends and families that love her dearly. Please don't hesitate to ask if there is anything we can help you with now or in the future.
    Love, Diane and Andy

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Mike & Jamie,
    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. We know what a fighter Jamie is and we keep positive thoughts about her recovery. If there is anything you need please dont hesitate to ask us. We keep thinking about how much fun Jamie had listening and dancing to Rena's band and hope we will all be doing that again soon.
    Love, Ken and Lori Kneessy

  13. Jaime,
    You are in our mind, our hearts and our prayers everyday. Your will and tenacity are inspiring to everyone who knows you. Keep fighting my dear friend. We all love you so much. Michael, David, Danny and Sam- keep your spirits up. You are an amazing family, the best anyone can have. Jaime is lucky to have you and we are all grateful the Nemirovs are in our lives. We are here for you anytime you need us.
    With love and hope,
    Laura and Craig

  14. Jamie
    Sending positive thoughts and positive prayers to you & your family everyday!!
    Jayne (from your "tennis" family)

  15. Good Morning Jamie,
    Bob and i send you warm hugs and special prayers to you and Michael ,David,Danny,and Samantha..
    everybody loves the Nemirov's..... just remember we're right down the block.. Always thinking of you guys ..
    much love,
    Rhonda and Bob

  16. Jamie,
    "One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own."
    Stay strong Jamie. We're all encouraging you and praying for your full recovery......Love, the Melfi family

  17. Jameron,
    Thinking of you every day, and the sunshine you bring to people's lives. I can hear you saying "I love you guys". Thoughts of healing, love, and strength sent to you and the kids. Love, Skin

  18. Sorry, I am new to blogging, I spelled my name wrong and left Michael's name out of the above.

  19. We send you our love. You are in our prayers.

    Ned GLen and family

  20. Jamie, Michael, David, Danny and Samantha,

    We are thinking of you every moment and praying for Jamie's full recovery. We're rooting to see Jamie joyfully skiing down the slopes again.

    With all our love,
    Nancy, Paul, Brian and Jordan

  21. If thoughts alone could cure Jamie would be running a ironman marathon. What can I say is like so many I want to feel jamies smile on the phone again. Without it the silence is deafening. Luv to michael, Danny, David and Sammy . Cousin Bobby

  22. Mike a number of surgeons have asked me to pass along their best wishes. Steve Puopolo and Rich Hindes send their regards. And the entire Frasca A-team, Anthony, Andrea, Allison and Alex are praying for you and Jamie and your entire family.

  23. Mike, our thoughts and prayers are with Jamie daily. Miriam and Natalie

  24. Nemirov Family,

    We are all thinking of you, and keeping you in our prayers!

    ~Everyone at LIDDC

  25. Continue to pray for you and your family everyday, Jamie. Your classmates of '79 love you and know what a strong person you are. We are all here, pulling for you. Our love and prayers to your beautiful family.

  26. Sending along love and good wishes from one of Jamie's oldest friends. Thanks for the updates.

  27. Jamie, Michael, David, Danny and Samantha:
    The Bauer family sends their love and prayers. We are thinking of you everyday and we can't wait to see Jamie's beautiful eyes again, when she is done resting. She will get through this, she wouldn't have it any other way. We're on the next ferry if you ever need anything. Love, Jim, Karen, Lauren, Thomas and Scotty

  28. Dear Jamie,
    Sending you love and strength from California. You made it through medical school. You can make it through this! All of the H section girls are sending you love and prayers.
    Diane xoxoxo

  29. To the Nemirov family,
    Praying for a speedy recovery and sending all my good thoughts, hopes and prayers to Mike,and kids and all who are there keeping the faith. I think of you all often. Gail G/ Mather OR

  30. Dear Michael, David, Danny, Samantha and all of the Musikers and Nemirovs:
    I hope that in this difficult time, you can feel Jamie's love for each of you. Everyone who knows Jamie loves her and I can feel all of us pulling for her and for you as a family. We wait with hope and love for our laughing, joyful Jamie.
    Cammy (and the rest of Jamie's huge Cornell fan club)

  31. Thoughts and prayers are with you Jamie and your family throughout the day. Praying for complete healing.

  32. Jamie worked weds night you were supposed to be there All night you were in my thoughts and your contagious laugh in my head. All night everyone asking about you and sending their love and prayers to you and your amazing family. Pediatric ED is not the same with-out you. Michael, David, Danny and Samantha keep strong your mother is a fighter she is fighting everyday to come back to you! Praying every minute of the day for all of your family and my dear colleague and friend I miss so much. Emily

  33. Keep fighting Jamie. Our thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day. Thinking about you family. Stay strong! The McMullen Family

  34. Nemi,
    We are thinking of you, Jamie, David, Danny and Samantha. We are praying for Jamie every day.
    Christine, Evan, Wes and Emma Silverman

  35. Michael, still thinking about you and your family often. Sending my best thoughts your way. Stay strong, you are loved!

    Diana - Mather OR

  36. Jamie, We just met on Christmas Eve but I so liked you - felt like we were old friends. So upset when I heard about your condition and so elated when I heard you woke up! The power of positive thinking by so many around you. Glad you are back! Hope you get to go home soon!
    Patti Faiella
    (Karen Graham's sister)

  37. Dear Jamie, michael, David, Danny & sweet Samantha.
    We want you to know how much you are all, in our thoughts.
    Jamie, We are thinking of you constantly, and sending wishes of love, strength and lots of prayers for a speedy recovery.
    You are incredible,and you will overcome this difficult period.
    Much love,

    Vilma & Ben Levy
