Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Jamie continues to improve. Each day she shows more responsiveness. Her vitals and lab work look good. Keep up the prayers, I think God is listening!!


  1. We love you Jamie! Always in our prayers and thoughts

    Sandy, Louis, Samantha and Sarah

  2. Jamie cannot wait to spread the good news tonight at work!! This is so great! Michael, David, Danny and Samantha and to all the family God Bless! I will continue to send positive thoughts and prayers your way and so will all Jamie's friends and colleagues at Good Sam!! Love Emily

  3. that is such amazing news! we are so thrilled. jamie wouldnt have it any other way.

  4. Hi happy to hear some promising news! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I miss seeing you at St. Charles. Love, Mish

  5. Yay!!! Jamie, I cannot wait to see you...and now it looks like John is coming,too (he got the go-ahead to travel from his doc yesterday). Michael, David, Danny and Sammy, we are really looking forward to seeing you all, and of course your wonderful grandparents. Michael, I'll be in touch re:the the meantime, please, please kiss my darling Jamie for me and remember that we hold you all in our hearts.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When I think of you, I think of beauty and strength. Nothing you do will surprise us. I have a strong feeling we will continue to be amazed by you. And to your beautiful family... Michael, David, Danny & Sam .... we are sending you our love, our prayers, and anything else you might need during this overwhelming time. XOXO

  8. Hi Lisa, thank you for keeping us up to date on Jamie's recovery. Mike this is such great news, Jamie is in our prayers and thoughts daily. Please remind her how much we think of her and send our her love. Miriam & Natalie

  9. We are encouraged to read about Jamie's progress and you are in our thoughts daily.
    The Sobel Family

  10. Dear Mike,

    I was at St. Charles today...missed seeing you there. You, Jamie, and your children continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!


    Denise Monte

  11. Hey Michael and kids,
    Thinking and praying for you guys! So happy to hear that Jamie is showing signs of improvement!She is really an incredible woman! We are here for you if you need anything. Our love to all,
    Rosalee and Andrew

  12. Mike, Jamie + kids,

    We are all thinking of you every day, praying for Jamie's continued progress and recovery. Mike, the hospitals are all too quiet without you around! We will keep sending you all positive thoughts, energy and love.

    Christine Ruggiero

  13. Jamie...keep up the are a determined, strong, kind, and compassionate woman with family and friends that will be with you every step of the are well loved!
    Mike...we are here to support you and the kids, however and whenever you need it.

    xo Diane and Andy

  14. We are praying for you and holding you all close to our hearts. Lots of love and encouragement to all of you. Love, Gary, Marcie and Anneka

  15. We continue to check the site everyday with fingers crossed for positive news & are thrilled to hear the latest! We will continue to send our prayers & know that Jamie's strength will continue to keep her on her path home!
    All our love-the Koppelman family

  16. Dear Jamie-
    We have been checking on you via this blog every day and were so glad with the news in the last 2 posts! We KNOW we will see your smiling face and hear your "strong" voice on the lax sidelines again! You have always been such a great motivator and role model for our young, athletic girls and we know you will be there for them again. You, Mike, Sammy, David, and Danny will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers every day and we will keep sending all the positive energy we have your way! XO
    Margee, Dave, Daria, Kayla, and Jack Purdy

  17. Mike,
    We have been thinking and praying for you everyday, we are so thankful for every bit of good news and each bit of progress that is made. You, Jamie and your children will remain in our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to hearing news of Jamie's continued recovery, please know that we are here for you and your family if there is anything you need.
    Natalie and Craig Litman

  18. jamie

    i am so excited to write to you. it was so great to see you today!! you look amazing and to see you responding like you did was a miracle. no one and nothing is going to hold you back now! you are unbelievably strong and an inspiration to us all! keep up the incredible work. seeing your beautiful eyes and that amazing smile was truly a gift! i love you and cant wait to hang out on the beach in florida. michael promised us a month!

    and michael, i get choked up thinking about what an amazing man and husband you are! watching you care for jamie makes me proud to call you our friend. its no wonder jamie is fighting so hard to get back to you. you two are clearly meant to be together forever!

    with all my love,

  19. Jim and I are so happy for you (Mike and the children). We look everyday to see if there's more good news. Every morning I say my prayers for her continued improvement. Spring's around the corner--good time for rebirth.

    Jim and Barb Dragone

  20. We heard the great news through the grapevine.

    Welcome back, Jamie.

    Sending lots of love and (gentle) hugs to you, Michael and the kids.

    The Krawitz's

  21. Dear Jamie and Mike,

    You have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We are thrilled to hear of your continuing improvement. May the love you share as a couple give you strength on the road to a complete recovery.

    Karen and Richard

  22. Hi Michael, David, Danny and Sam,

    We are so happy to hear the positive news on Jamie. You are all in our thoughts every day and wish for continued progress.

    Please give Jamie hugs and kisses from us!


    Jimmy, Kim, Holly & Caroline
