Friday, February 11, 2011

2/11/11 update

Jamie remains sedated and  there is no new news to report. Michael and the children are reading the blogs and continue to find comfort in the outpouring of support. Michael doesn't feel he needs food dropped off to him, but is thankful to those of you who gave. Continue to pray for Jamie and send all the positive thoughts her way.


  1. Dear Michael, Jamie, David, Danny and Samantha,
    You may remember us as friends of Dave and Lisa. I am also a former classmate of Beth's We just wanted to let know that you have all been in our thoughts and prayers so many, many times in the past week. Although you have one another as a family to lean upon during these difficult times, and Jamie has her caregivers, doctors and nurses, please know that we as a community are here for you as well quietly giving our spirtual support through our heartfelt prayers. I offer all I can in the way of supplication for all of you. Strength, patience, courage and solace that you will all need in the coming days. May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us, bring blessings of healing upon Jamie, a complete renewal of body and a complete renewal of spirit. May all who are entrusted with her care be gifted with wisdom and skill and those who surround them be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. Out of distress we call upon You.
    Help us sense Your presence
    at this difficult time.
    Grant us patience when the hours are heavy;
    in hurt or disappointment give us courage.
    keep us trustful in Your love.
    Give us strength for today, and hope for tomorrow.
    To your loving hands we commit our spirit
    God, let your spirit rest upon all who are ill and comfort them. Please God, bring healing.

    John and Jodi Casciano

  2. Michael, David, Danny and Sammy, You have been in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. Jamie is a very strong and determined woman and I know she will pull through this. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. If you need anything, please let me know!!
    Love and miss you all!!

    Melissa (Your old babysitter)

  3. Mike,
    Jamie, you and the kids are in or prayers. Like so many others who love Jamie, we will keep praying and sending positive thoughts. Keep strong and have faith.
    All our love,
    Mary, Joe (and Ella) Bonafede

  4. Mike and family- not a minute goes by that I am not thinking of Jamie and you guys. Please take one day at a time. Please give Jameron a big kiss from me and Ed (perhaps her second favorite roommates ever?). Know that we are with you in spirit and won't give up on you! All our love and good wishes continue to soar your way from Maine. We wish we could be closer but know you have so much love and support right there with you. Hang in there...Lisa, Ed, Steve and Abby

  5. Michael, Michael,
    Saying Texas-sized prayers and sending positive thoughts.
    Love, Corky

  6. Mike- I've been thinking of you, Jamie and the kids so,so much. Can't help but recall the funny stories you've shared with us about the family vacations and day to day happenings. Your family is a loving one and I know this love is strong enough to see you through.

    Love, Nancy Schein

  7. Jamie, Michael and kids -- sending positive thoughts your way and praying for you every day. You are all loved so much, by so many.
    Love, Marianne and Michael

  8. Hi Jamie

    It has taken us a week to find the words to add to the blog. Vicki and I think of all the fun times we have spent with you and Michael, and then with David, ,Danny, and Sam. Can you believe that it has been 20 years, since our ski trip to Breckenridge, and then watching the Bills go down to defeat on Super Bowl, Sunday. A few years later climbing Squaw Peak in Phoenix, with David strapped to Michaels back. Visiting your apartment in Redondo Beach ,with our empty cooler, so we could bring back fresh fish to Phoenix. Chasing ducks with Danny in Mission Bay park. Then of course the ultimate black ski run, at Beaver Creek. Someone said in a previous blog comment, that they were rooting to see you skiing down the slopes again. Same here. There is another black run out there, that you and your old uncle, are going to do together, so I’m letting Michael, ,David, Danny, and Samantha know, Keep moms skis waxed and ready.

    All our love
    Uncle Jerry & Aunt Vicki

  9. Oh Jamie, your light and love shine through each and every one of the postings on this precious blog - our connection to you, dear friend, from so many miles away - but you are so close to our hearts, I feel you every single moment. I'll be there soon. Michael, David, Danny, Sammy, Joan and Hy and Sy and Marsha, holding you all in our hearts, always.

  10. Michael, we are praying for Jamie everyday! Our thoughts are with you. Love and strength from us! She can do this! All our love, rosalee and andrew.

  11. Dear Jamie, Michael, David, Danny, Samantha, Musiker and Nemirov families. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Even though Jamie is in the toughest battle of her life she is strong and determined, loving and kind and she will get through this. She has the power to bring sunshine and light even on the darkest of days. Her spirit has always been so infectious and we look forward to seeing Jamie's smiling face soon! Please know that we are not that far away and can help with whatever you need. Lisa put the Slepians on your list and let us know how we can help. We're sending all of you a great big hug. With all of our love, Shari and Brian Slepian, Steven and Erika

  12. Jamie and Family, I will continue to think of you all each day and pray for Jamie's strength. I was blessed with Jamie's love of life and contagious smile in college. She is a gem. Michele Canny Gilles Cornell '83

  13. Dear Mike,
    You, Jamie and your children are in our thoughts and prayers
    Emilio and Karen

  14. Jaime, I went to temple last night. Your name was said and the very full congregation said the misha berach....for you to heal.. always praying for, June

  15. My prayers and thoughts are with you, Jamie and the children. Stay strong so many of us are here for you.
    AnnMarie Netuschil

  16. Dear Michael, Danny, David and Sammy
    Jamie is the strongest person we know--a superwoman. Have faith--we are all praying for her and you. And again, remember we are right down the road--anything you ever need.
    Love Sandy, Louis, Sam and Sarah

  17. Jamie and your family are in our thoughts and prayers every day. If there is anything that we can do to help your family out through this difficult time, please let us know. We will continue to pray to have a healthy, happy Jamie running around town again. Stay Strong! Don, Lynn, Ryan, Taylor and Dylan Molloy

  18. Dear Michael, Sammy, David, and Danny,
    Jamie and your family are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Jamie has an army of family and friends who love her and their positive energy will help her get through this. We can't wait to see Jamie's great smile back on the lax field.
    With much love, Karen, Scott, Morgan and Madison Graham

  19. Those of us who have had the privilege of being on the sidelines of the kids sports events know how loud & proud Jaimie gets to support her kids & the team. Lets all give her that same support! Let's keep cheering her on! We know she can get through this!
    With All Our Love Debbie,Mike & Zac Herman

  20. Jamie, Michael, David, Danny, and Sam,
    Our thoughts and hearts are with you throughout this ordeal. We are keeping our focus on the joy that Jamie has given to everyone whom she has touched in life, and our conviction that her love and positivity and indomitable spirit will give her the strength to recover from this. We are just a phone call away if there is anything that you need. Please know that we care about all of you very much.
    Louis, Marci, Carlos, and Maya Pena-Lobel

  21. I feel like I know you all so well as Jamie speaks about you guys all the time. You are all the love of her life and it is that love that is going to help her fight her way back to you. She is truly a wonderful woman. Her friends at Good Sam, and I do mean friends as she shares her life and our lives all the time, are praying for her and sending love to all the Nemirovs.
    With love,
    Terry R

  22. Giant sized prayers and wishes galore for the strength and health of the entire Nemirov family.

  23. Mike,

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.....

    Please let us know if you need ANYTHING...

    Jeff and Heather Ruby

  24. Dear Jamie,Michael,David,Danny,and Samantha
    We know that Jamie will pull through this ordeal;she is a strong and determined woman. The hearfelt comments that have been posted represent only a small fraction of the people who are thinking of all of you and praying for Jamie's recovery.We are always available to help in whatever way we can. Much love
    the Comans

  25. Nemmie,

    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Sending you lots of love, and positive thoughts. Stay strong!


  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. It's Uncle Richie, Maureen and Sophie from San Diego. I most recently spoke to Jaime while she was at one of Sam's Field Hockey games. I think she and Maureen are the same at kids games, they're both really loud. We liked congratulating each other and what a good job we've done raising Jewish Jocks. BTW, David, one of Sophie's friends will start in the Fall at Bowdoin, he's on the swim team. Hmmm, don't want to leave a mention of Danny out, so I understand you're the child most likely to have a rager if your parents went away for the weekend. Michael we've been trying to teach Sophie how to cook a few things before she leaves for college when she doesn't have a Dad to make dinner magically appear. Yeah kids I know you'll have dorm food at first; what happens when you move into an apartment around Junior year?

    I miss sharing stories with Jamie and look forward to doing that again soon.

  28. Our thoughts are with you Jamie, Michael, children and Sy. Gary and Linda Bernstein

  29. Thinking of you guys all through my day. Sending my love and prayers.

  30. Thinking of you and sending prayers to all of you.

  31. Jamie you are in our thoughts and prayers every day, throughout the day. Missing you even more now that I am working Nights and remembering how we use to exchanged jewelery (your pearl and amethyst necklace with my earrings) and both love western boots.

    Michael remembering answering your calls to say good night when Jamie was working in the Peds ER at Good Samaritan. As Terry said Jamie is a very special part of your Good Sam Family and you and yours are in our thoughts with love and hope.

    Deb (ER Unit Clerk)
