Friday, February 4, 2011

News about Jamie

Have been getting a lot of inquiries about Jamie and requests for info so I thought it would be best to set up a blog, I've never done this before so I'm asking in advance for your patience and understanding if I screw up. Jamie began feeling ill on Wednesday, by the grace of god Michael had returned from his ski trip and Beth was in visiting. She complained of a severe headache which progressed and was associated with other symptoms. She diagnosed herself, telling Beth "I'm having a subarachnoid hemorrhage" (so Jamie always self assured and correct 99.9%of the time)911 was called and she was taken by ambulance to the ER and treated immediately. She is receiving the best possible care. She is in the ICU at Stony Brook in a medication induced deep sedation, only immediate family is allowed to visit. It will be a full week to 10 days before any realistic idea of her prognosis can be made. I for one am optimistic, Jamie is a tough cookie and will pull through this. Please send your prayers and positive thinking her way. I've seen so many cases of full recovery with brain injury and I know Jamie will be one of them. Michael doesn't feel he needs, food or help right now and his family and Jamie's sisters are in. I'm sure that this will change and when it does we will set up a "help chain" as I anticipate her recovery will take many weeks to months.Please forward this blog site to Jamie's friends I don't have a complete listing.


  1. Lisa, Thank you for creating this blog as a way of keeping us informed. It has been difficult wanting to know what's happening but not wanting to bother her family. Jamie, Michael, and the family are in our hearts, our thoughts and our prayers. We look forward to cooking when they need us. AM

  2. Hi Lisa, this is Ramsey Nashed. I just found out about Jamie from John Obrien. I was totally shocked. We will be praying for her and Mike. Please keep us informed.

  3. Lisa, thanks so much for filling us in on what is going on. I run a brain injury program in Maine and I know Jamie has a long road ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. - Lisa Charbonneau and family

  4. All of our love and support goes to Jamie, Mike and family. Jamie, you are the sunshine and laughter of everyone who knows you. Stay strong and continue toward full recovery - as soon as you are ready for visitors Bentley is coming!!
    1,000 hugs for you. love, Tom & Denise Lewis

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lisa, I think it's so great that you set this up. I too have been worried and wondering about how she's doing. I heard the news Thursday morning and I haven't been the same since. I called the family as soon as I heard and told them if they needed ANYTHING to please call.

    Love and prayers, Lorien

  7. Thanks for setting this up so we can be updated. As you know, Scott and I are deeply concerned and hoping for the best possible recovery for Jamie.
    She is in our thoughts constantly.

    Love, Linda and Scott

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you for the update. We were all wondering but didn't want to ask. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jamie, Mike, and the kids. Jamie is one of the most optimistic women I know. She would want us all keeping positive thoughts for a full recovery. If there is anything the family needs, please do not hesitate to ask.

  10. Thanks for setting this up. Harry and I are sending love, positive thoughts and prayers to Jamie, Michael and the whole family constantly. Love you very much. Rachel

  11. Lisa,
    Thanks so much for this info, Please Let Mike and Jamie know I am praying for them.

  12. Prayers for strength and complete healing.

    Blessings, Tracy Young

  13. Lisa thank you for getting in touch with us and keeping us all informed. Our prayers and postive thoughts are with Jamie, Mike and the kids always. We are all ready to help with whatever they need. Love Kate, Jim, Keirsten, Jimmy, Danny & Matt

  14. I know Jamie is way to tough to let this win!! Come on Jamie...I know you can do it!!
    Jackie Rubino

  15. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jamie and her family. Love The Keefes

  16. To Mikey and his whole family, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope for a full recovery. I will be thinking about you.

    Diana Ciorciari ~ Mather Hospital/OR

  17. To Mike and his are in my thoughts and prayers. Positive thoughts for a full recovery on are on the way...Please let me know if his St. Charles family can help in anyway.
    Michele Magnuson St.Charles OR

  18. Jamie we love you and are sending all of our positive energy your way!!! We are praying for a quick and full recovery. Michael, you are also in our prayers as you try to keep it together during such a tough time. I'm with Bentley on my way up as soon as regular visitors are allowed. Love and hugs, Janet and Mark Zuckerman

  19. I was completely in shock when my sister Stacy called me with the news. Jamie I have seen people recover from this in my ICU....hang in there and for the rest of Jamie's family and close and dear partner and I are thinking of all of you! Thanks for setting this up so even the distant friends can stay updated!

    Leslie Sofarelli

  20. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for creating this forum and I hope it is OK that I pass this on to the many staff members at Gelinas who are eager to hear about Mrs. Nemirov. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.


  21. Nemmys,
    You all, and your mom, are in my thoughts and prayers. Gelinas loves you all!


  22. We are praying for Jamie's recovery. Thinking of Mike and sending him all our support and love.
    The Kim's
    Dan,Susan,Matt and Andrew

  23. Thank you Lisa - the Awe family sends all good wishes of hope and strength and will help anyway we can in the weeks ahead.

  24. Just looked in on Jamie and she looks good. She had a quiet night (the best kind of night in an ICU) and her pressures are good this morning. We all are praying for her.


  25. I guess it might be too much to ask about specific medical questions eh? But good to know pressures are stable.

  26. Jamie and family-

    We are thinking of you constantly. Jamie- we know you from the lacrosse fields and know you are a fighter!!! We will keep you in our prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.

    All our love,

    Kim, Jimmy, Holly & Caroline Regan

  27. Dear Jamie, Mike and Family,

    Just received this blog and we are very grateful that it was set up as it keeps us posted on Jamie's condition. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jamie and her family at this time. She is a strong lady, so full of life and will get through this. I keep hearing that great voice of hers on the lacrosse field and know we will hear it again.

    All out love and prayers for a full recovery. We love you Jamie.

    The Smith's--Angela, Peter and Cat

  28. my thoughts and prays are with you and your family we miss you janet rogan

  29. Michael, Michael,
    I have been thinking of Jamie, you, and the children a lot. I am saying "Mommy-prayers", which are very powerful, multiple times a day. God's strength to you all.
    Sending love and good thoughts, Corky

  30. Micheal Jamie and Family
    We are thinking of you and saying lots of prayers for Jamie we also want you to know we are sending positive thoughts to you may God give you the strengh you need to get through this. Again our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Kathy and Billy Mather O.R

  31. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family everyday. Jamie, if anyone can beat this, you can. Your such a dynamic women with such strength to fight this.
    Love, Erica, Lou, Theresa and Matthew Danetti

  32. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jamie and the entire family. Mike, I heard you a few times on the phone with Jamie and could the love in your voice. It is so refreshing in a couple. Your love will be your strength.

  33. We have all been thinking about you and praying for you. We just know you'll come through this!! Sending you all our love,
    The Dellecave family

  34. Hi Michael - it's Michael Milkie and wanted to offer my prayers for Jamie as she recovers. As you might know, her brother-in-law David Chizewer in Chicago is a leader in the charter school world that I am also heavily involved with. It was good to learn some about Jamie's family through him. He does great work out here. The best to you, Jamie and the whole family.

  35. Jamie,
    Ilene and I have only wishes for a speedy recovery. We miss you at Good Sam and our prayers are with you!! Michael
