Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Jamie has been at Rusk institute for almost 1 week. It has been busy, she had a thorough evaluation by many highly qualified rehabilitation experts, and has begun a comprehensive rehab program. She continues to show strength and determination, as does the rest of her family.


  1. Keep up the great work Jamie! Miss you at work and happy to report the good progress to everyone at GSH. Positive thoughts always coming your way to you and your family! We miss you! Emily and everyone at GSH ED.

  2. So glad to hear that Jamie is in good hands and is moving forward! Praying for your recovery Jamie!
    Thinking of you often. Love to all-Rosalee and Andrew
    Thank you Lisa!

  3. Think about you everyday and know that you are working your butt off to get back home to Mike and the kids. You are amazing but then we all always knew that. You are truly missed. Love Ya,Terry

  4. Jamie we understand you are in a great place receiving the best care. We pray for you everyday and think of you every minute. The Profit family is sending their love and continuous support and can't wait to hear when you are back home with your family. Stay strong..We love you...

  5. Lisa, Thank you for the updates. Please let Mike know we are thinking of Jamie and the whole family. Always in our prayers. With all our love, Miriam & Natalie

  6. Hi Jamie!
    Well I miss you soooo much I decided I need to get back to NYC to help cheer you on in person! You are always in my thoughts and I will see you very soon, on Sat, March 26th. Until then, I know you will be working very, very hard. Sending so much love and support your way,also to Michael,David, Danny, Sammy, Joanie and Hy,& to all the Musikers and Nemirovs from all the Egans xoxoxo

  7. Jamie, it was great to see you yesterday and when you smiled at me and said my name, you made my day! I know you are working hard to get well. You are doing a great job! Think of me when you wear those lobster pj's. Xo, lisa

  8. Jamie, it is so wonderful to hear that you are doing well!! Keep working hard, we know you'll be home with Michael and the kids soon! We are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. Stay strong, we know you can do it!
    Sending you all our love,
    The Dellecave Family

  9. Dear Nemirov Family,
    So happy to hear that Jamie is doing well! I know this has been a difficult time for you but I have been thinking about you! I will continue to keep you all in my prayers!
    Seth Persky

  10. Dear Jamie,
    The days may go by without comment, but please know you are so often in my thoughts and prayers.
