Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Jamie was transferred to the acute hospital at NYU Friday night. She is having fevers and the doctors are trying to figure out a source. She remains on antibiotics. Hopefully she will defervesce soon able be able to resume her rehab. 


  1. Jamie--keep the faith. You are strong and unbeatable! As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I miss you. Love Sandy

  2. Jamie, don't get down, you will get back to rehab soon and continue to exceed expectations,as expected. We love you and think of you every day! Lisa and Ed

  3. Jamie,
    Stay strong and positive. You are on the road to success, this is just a little pot hole in your way. Keep going. We love you

  4. Yes, Jamie, you will continue to move forward, you have whole battalions of loved ones behind you, constantly sending the most positive of energy and prayers your way. That combined with your enormous reservoir of personal strength and determination that will not be depleted...Draw from the well of faith and optimism as needed, dear friend, and keep your humor alive and well, it is such good medicine! We will be seeing your Dad and Marsha this week, along with Carolyn, Amelia, and Marsha's son John, having dinner at our house. We will be thinking of you with so much love. xoxo Kathy

  5. Michael, I am continuing to follow Jamie's progress and thinking about you all the time.

    Jamie, keep up your hard work. You are an inspiration to us all.

    Maury Marmor

  6. Hey Jameron - We're praying for you every night around the Kern family dinner table and sending you love and all good stuff when it's not dinnertime. Keep heart and keep faith, my friend!

    Love Jennifer and Steve
