Saturday, March 26, 2011


Jamie continues to make progress. She is now able to walk short distances with assistance! She is reading the paper and enjoying all the blog posts. Michael and the entire family continue to be there for support and comfort. Everyone is overjoyed with her progress although not surprised by her grit and determination!

Jamie we all love you so much, you are constantly in my thoughts.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Jamie continues to improve and get stronger. Today she was able to stand independently! She is reading the blog and so we need to keep the positive messages coming to her! We all knew she was a fighter and she continues to display that determination everyday.  

Jamie we all love you very much and you are constantly in our thoughts.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Jamie had a minor set back over the weekend. she developed an infection at the craniectomy site with fever. She was taken to the OR and the site was cleaned out and now she's on antibiotics. She was transferred out of Rusk to an acute care hospital. She is now doing well and Michael anticipates she will return to Rusk very soon.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Jamie has been at Rusk for two weeks and continues to show strength and determination. She is making progress everyday and getting stronger.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Jamie has been at Rusk institute for almost 1 week. It has been busy, she had a thorough evaluation by many highly qualified rehabilitation experts, and has begun a comprehensive rehab program. She continues to show strength and determination, as does the rest of her family.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Jamie was transferred to the Rusk Institute in Manhattan today. The Rusk Institute is one of the top 10 rehabilitation centers in the country. She will be in very good hands and will be undergoing a rigorous program. This is another huge step forward towards Jamie's recovery. Michael and the  whole family continue to be  encouraged by all the supportive blog posts.