Monday, February 28, 2011


Jamie continues to show courage and determination. Her good friends are in visiting from California. Micheal's parents continue to help him out at home. Jamie will likely be transferred to a rehabilitation hospital in New York City by the end of the week.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Jamie continues to improve and is getting stronger each day. She is now out of the ICU and plans are being made to transfer her to rehab hopefully next week. Michael and the children remain strong and are a constant source of support for Jamie. Thanks again for the outpouring of love and support for the Nemirovs.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Jamie continues to improve and get stronger. She is expected to move out of ICU and plans are being made for rehabilitation.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Jamie continues to get stronger. She is awake and alert. She is talking and interacting with her family. She was even singing along with one of the songs playing on her ipod! She remains the same ole Jamie-thank god! We look forward to each day bringing more of her strength back. Your blog postings continue to encourage and support her family. Jamie is now hearing about your postings and she is very happy to hear that so many people are supporting her.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


GREAT DAY!!! Sedation is off and Jamie is awake. Her first words were telling Michael she loved him! She is talking, whispering actually because her voice is hoarse. She recognizes family and friends! It's miraculous, we all knew if anyone would do it would be Jamie. We are all so thankful for this miracle. Please continue to send your wishes and prayers her way. She tires easily so it's a difficult time to visit her because she needs her rest.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Jamie continues to improve. Each day she shows more responsiveness. Her vitals and lab work look good. Keep up the prayers, I think God is listening!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Jamie remains sedated but today was a good day. When David came to visit she opened her eyes and showed responsiveness to him. Earlier in the day she opened her eyes when Michael said her name. Many of you have expressed how much you want to see her bright blue eyes and today there were glimpses of them! It was the best Valentines Day gift! The Nemirov's continue to appreciate all the love and support everyone has shown them.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Jamie is still sedated but is showing signs of responsiveness. Family and friends continue to visit. Michael's siblings came in again for the weekend. The Nemirov's are still in town and taking care of the house. The Musiker and Nemirov families continue to shower love and attention on Jamie. We are all so grateful for the comments and well wishes. This will be a slow process and Jamie's recovery time is not measured day to day but week to week. I know she will prevail. Keep all the prayers and positive thoughts headed her way.

Friday, February 11, 2011

2/11/11 update

Jamie remains sedated and  there is no new news to report. Michael and the children are reading the blogs and continue to find comfort in the outpouring of support. Michael doesn't feel he needs food dropped off to him, but is thankful to those of you who gave. Continue to pray for Jamie and send all the positive thoughts her way.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 7

One week has passed, time seems to be moving slowly. Nothing new medically she is stable and still sedated. She is surrounded by love. Her sisters are showering her with attention, like only sisters can do. Life long friends from childhood and high school traveled in today to visit. Michael's parents are helping at the house. Our girl is strong and we know she will prevail! Keep writing your positive thoughts and well wishes. Michael, David, Danny and Samantha continue to read the blog and are comforted by all the love, support and prayers.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 6

Nothing too new to report, remains stable in the last 24 hours. This is a long process and changes are measured in weeks not days or hours. The Nemirov and Musiker families continue to carry on and they appreciate all of the outpouring of support. Keep all the prayers, positive thoughts and good wishes coming, they are much appreciated.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5

Sedation is being lightened today and Jamie is showing signs of responsiveness. All her vitals and numbers are stable. Michael remains grateful for the all the support everyone has shown his family. Keep praying and sending all your positive thoughts Jamie's way.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 4

No new news to report, Jamie remains heavily sedated. All her numbers and vital signs are stable. We are in the difficult phase of waiting and hoping. Michael remains grateful for all the support. Will post again tomorrow or sooner if anything changes.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 3

Thanks to all who posted. The Nemirov and Musiker families are very grateful for all the support and outpouring of love and concern for Jamie. Today was an uneventful day, and that is a good thing. She continues to be resting in a heavily sedated state. She was stable overnight. For now no news is good news! Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Michael and the children are surrounded by and being cared for by the Musiker and Nemirov families who have all arrived here. He doesn't need any help right now but for those of us anxious to provide it I'm sure there will be a need in the upcoming days and weeks and then we will set up the help chain.

Friday, February 4, 2011

News about Jamie

Have been getting a lot of inquiries about Jamie and requests for info so I thought it would be best to set up a blog, I've never done this before so I'm asking in advance for your patience and understanding if I screw up. Jamie began feeling ill on Wednesday, by the grace of god Michael had returned from his ski trip and Beth was in visiting. She complained of a severe headache which progressed and was associated with other symptoms. She diagnosed herself, telling Beth "I'm having a subarachnoid hemorrhage" (so Jamie always self assured and correct 99.9%of the time)911 was called and she was taken by ambulance to the ER and treated immediately. She is receiving the best possible care. She is in the ICU at Stony Brook in a medication induced deep sedation, only immediate family is allowed to visit. It will be a full week to 10 days before any realistic idea of her prognosis can be made. I for one am optimistic, Jamie is a tough cookie and will pull through this. Please send your prayers and positive thinking her way. I've seen so many cases of full recovery with brain injury and I know Jamie will be one of them. Michael doesn't feel he needs, food or help right now and his family and Jamie's sisters are in. I'm sure that this will change and when it does we will set up a "help chain" as I anticipate her recovery will take many weeks to months.Please forward this blog site to Jamie's friends I don't have a complete listing.